Cabotage navigation

In brazil, carried out by brazilian navigation companies

Modern fleet, continuously renewal

Cabotage companies serve all cargo segments

Founded on March 12, 1973, the ABAC – Brazilian Association of Cabotage Shipowners aims to contribute to the expansion of offshore cabotage transport, as well as integration with Mercosul countries, seeking to regain a prominent position in transoceanic transport.
ABAC is affiliate member to ICS -
the international Chamber of Shipping.
ICS is the main international trade
association focused on commercial
operators and shipowners.
ABAC is affiliate member to CNT - Confederação Nacional do Transporte
Cabotage navigation is the best alternative for hundreds of products. More than 1 million 20-foot containers are moved annually, in various segments, and more than 2.5 million tons of chemical, petrochemical and biofuel cargo, between brazilian ports.
Rua São José, 40 - 3º andar
CEP 20010-020 – Rio de Janeiro – RJ
Phone: 21 3231-9065
Patrícia Nogueira / Ana Salazar
Phones: 21 3114-0699 / 98302-6967
© 2025 ABAC - Brazilian Association of Cabotage Shipowners